Review: CRIME (Chile) “First Crime”

Review: CRIME (Chile) “First Crime”

- in Reviews

CRIME (Chile) “First Crime”
Shadow Kingdom records

With some rock ‘n’ roll mixed with classic heavy metal, Crime comes out from Chile guns blazing. “First Crime” is the name of their EP and packed in it are three tracks that are blistering, face melting and down right headbanging. “First Crime” is an infectious listen and each song gets stuck in your head without any intentions of leaving any time soon. They stick to you and keep your head banging even after you are finished listening. This is a raw, bombastic and wholly entertaining listen that you just can’t get enough of, and even though there are only three songs on this EP Crime packs in plenty of content to keep you listening and interested.

“First Crime” begins with “Highway Robbery” and after a bit of an intro Crime gets right into the EP and from then on they don’t turn back as they keep the pedal to the metal. “Highway Robbery” sets the tone for the rest of the EP and that tone is face melting goodness. From the very first note on you get pelted by scorching riffs coupled with searing solos and poking their way through all of the metal madness are the gritty, gravel filled and memorable vocals.

The musicianship on this EP is great and the overall sound is great as well as it feels like a complete blast from the past but with a bit of a nice twist to it. Crime takes the page out of the old-school heavy metal playbook and adds their own flavor to it creating a sound that is their own as well as a sound that is highly intoxicating. You just can’t get these songs out of your head no matter how hard you try and really I don’t know why you would want that to happen at all.

“First Crime” is a great release as well as a great starting block and stepping stone for Crime to continue to build their sound. And even though there are only three songs on this release there is plenty of content for you to go back and listen to to tide you over until a full length does appear, and with everything put together you ultimately get a great memorable listen.

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About the author

Just a heavy metal loving dude who has been into metal since I've been born! Love to listen to heavy metal, write about it, the heavier the better!

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