Review: Evil Hunter “” Evil Hunter”

Review: Evil Hunter “” Evil Hunter”

- in Reviews

Not so long ago we got a Spanish Heavy/Power Metal band Vhäldemar that released a great album ‘Against All Kings’. Today we have one more Spanish band Evil Hunter with their debut self-titled album (spoiler alert: and it’s damn good).

Evil Hunter is José Rubio (guitars), Damián Chicano (vocals), Gustavo Segura (drums), Victor Durán (guitars) and Alberto Garrido (bass). All members are experienced musicians which played in many bands. So there are no claims to their playing techniques.

The debut album ‘Evil Hunter’ contains eight songs of a great oldschool Heavy Metal: powerful, melodic and catchy. Musically it’s something between tribute and some kind of Heavy Metal guidebook, from Dio and Accept to Diamond Head and Merciful Fate (Damián Chicano’s vocals remind Udo Dirkschneider’s voice but a little low, by the way). Although there are some familiar patterns, which will be painfully predictable, their music can’t be called “plagiarism” any way.

Sometimes  Evil Hunter goes to Power Metal (“Heartbeat”, “Open Your Eyes”) but it’s not a leak, contrary! Fast tempo songs, melodic solos and loud rhythm section with vigorous drums delivery are doing their job great, making the listener headbang or at least tapping with foot.

And of course there is a ballad: soppy “By Your Side”, that close to Glam Metal and sounds not worse than all the hits from Skid Row and Mötley Crüe. 100% oldtimer.

On one hand, if ‘Evil Hunter’ was released 30 years earlier, he would move many from the Olympus of Metal. On the other hand, without those Olympus dwellers this album will not be exist. So we can only listen, enjoy and slyly indulge in nostalgia.

Evil Hunter will be released on April, 10 via Fighter Records.

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Bikes, Music, Alcohol and Anarchy. Also books, gigs, traveling and alcohol one more time.

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