Review: Nekromantheon ”Visions Of Trismegistos” [Indie Records]

Review: Nekromantheon ”Visions Of Trismegistos” [Indie Records]

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Nekromantheon created quite a buzz in the early 2010s when they released the two full length albums Divinity in Death and Rise, Vulcan Spectre. I have to admit they flew a bit under the radar for me personally at that time. It wasn’t until now that I really heard them as I stumbled upon the opening track for this new album.

While Sweden got Hypnosia, Norway got Nekromantheon. After nearly ten years of silence this new album made a sneak attack upon the metal scene and completely annihilated all its thrash Metal opponents. This is one of the best thrash albums I have heard in a long while. Visions of Trismegistos brings us a furious onslaught of raw and violent thrash metal the way it should be. Fans of early Dark Angel, Whiplash and Morbid Saint certainly would love this one. It’s raw and intense all the way through with no hints of slowing down.

Nekromantheon also adds a splendid sense of melody and hooks to the mix as well, and not just go full-on neanderthal on the listeners. The riffs are really complex, shredding fast all around the guitar neck and every song feels very thought-through. The melodic touch also gives the album another dimension, very similar to the later works of Deceased and the vocalist sounds like a way more manic and rabid version of King Fowley as well. This one certainly was a positive surprise that will get many spins around here.

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