Review: Ryth “Deceptor Creator”

Review: Ryth “Deceptor Creator”

- in Reviews

Guys, this is a fantastic release by a four-piece death metal band from Bahrain… I know right? And I don’t mean that condescendingly. It’s just that one doesn’t traditionally associate Bahrain with death metal… especially a debut release this good. My best description of it is fairly progressive mid-paced death metal.

Almost everything. The album is peppered with excellent riffs and hooks, fantastic drumming on fabulous sounding drums and excellent bass playing! The production, sound, song structures, creativity, music, musicianship, guitar tone, drum sound, bass lines… it’s all fantastic! As I mentioned, it’s mid-paced death metal with a little progressive flair, and incredibly well executed. It’s almost as though these guys have been locked away in a garage practicing their craft for years before unleashing it on the world. Especially when you see their live performance.

It’s very difficult to find any fault with this record, however, if I were to nitpick, I would say the vocals need the slightest bit of work, yet they’re still very good, thankfully, because it would’ve been an absolute shame if they weren’t. And since this is a debut release, and since they have nailed this one musically, I am going to stick with my earlier assessment and say that it is difficult to find fault with the album. In fact I almost feel a little guilty for even nitpicking the vocals, but it’s the ever so slightest tweak that will take this album from 9/10 to 10/10.

A conclusive overview:
Just when I thought my previous review was the shortest I have written, albeit for the wrong reasons, this may be the shortest, but for the right reasons. This is an excellent album and well worth checking out. There are some really delicious hooks on this record that make you sit back and take notice.

Is it worth a listen? Absolutely! Deceptor Creator is a great debut release and Ryth have nailed it! Kudos guys, I hope Deceptor Creator and you guys get the recognition you deserve.

Til next time.

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