Review: Solar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”

Review: Solar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”

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Solar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”
Iron Bonehead productions

New Zealand is “on the end of the world” and that’s probably why we here in Europe (but I think that it’s also about other continents) have possibility to listen to some band from there very rarely. And surely in the case of this band it’s the shame! SOLAR MASS comes from the largest city of this insular country. In Auckland for native nation, Maori: Tämaki-makau-rau) live something like 1, 5 millions of people. So it’s clear that there’re also many Metalheads. Three of them decided some time ago (unfortunately I found anywhere information when exactly or even more or less it was) to create a band. Anyway, it seems that at least of them is quite experienced musician – I mean B. S (Brandon Southwell – guit, bass, synth). About W. B. (dr, guit, bass) and M.K (voc) I found any information. So SOLAR MASS is probably their first band.

By the way, creation of SOLAR MASS couldn’t be very long time ago coz “Pseudomorphosis” is their debut. It’s called by the band EP (released by the way in all formats) so I thought that from its nature it can’t be long stuff. And that’s right, coz we have here only 5 songs – in tape version both sides contain all of them. Music which we can listen to here is good mix of Black and Thrash Metal with some delicate elements of Death. But these sub-genres which I mentioned as first dominate here.

All reminds me times when I was teenager or a little more than twenty. So you know what to expect – pure old school playing. I’ll don’t use here any names, but one of them which belong to PURE LEGEND from Newcastle is coming on the mind automatically! It’s both about music’s character, sound… and M.K.’s vocal. Well, we have here of course more influences, but this is the main one in my opinion. So tempo is rather middle, sometimes a little slower, sometimes a little faster, but in general… Riffs surely aren’t complicated, even if from time to time we can hear something what we could call by solos or at least technical displays. But it’s rather subtle and serves to demonic character of SOLAR MASS’ music!

I’ll surely listen to this stuff often, very often! And the same recommend to all, especially maniacs of really old-school playing in vein of band about which I was talking about few lines above. I didn’t mention its name, but I’m sure that everyone which band I meant. By the way, these three guys with their music make really great job and promotion for scene in their country!!! I don’t know how it’ll be with you, but I go to dig in the scene of New Zealand in searching of other so great bands!!!

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