Review: Solar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”

Review: Solar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”

- in Reviews

solarmassSolar Mass “Pseudomorphosis”
Iron Bonehead

Debut EP Pseudomorhposis from New Zealand band Solar Mass  was released in October, 3. It was released in limited edition on 500 cassettes edition (CD’s will be later). One track from release – “Weaponized” can be heard on SoundCloud.

For me, as electronic music format admirer, cassette seems more luxury senseless, than really necessary for someone. But I’m not objecting the cassettes «atmosphere», maybe it’s cool. Although I was always wonder why they always try to give a shape to the most ephemeral and the most elusive thing – music. For me, it must be live, and merchandise (like t-shirts) must be practical. I finished the lyrical dirgression.

In Pseudomorhposis mixed the most reflective and apocalyptic metal genres with concept that is in every detail. If you like death and thrash metal with speed elements and even heavy; about war in all possible ways and manifestations (internal and universe) with primitive chaos in all its beauty – that’s yours.

There are five songs in EP: “Arc Furnace”, “Emergence”, “(Sgr A*) Exegesis”, “Weaponised” and “Heat Death”.

Solar Mass starts the record from showing their techniques and proficiency. Further technical blast beats are standing out.

When you hear vocals at first time, for some reason you remember that «Lord Of The Rings» was shooted in New Zealand – this atmospheric «Voice of evil» suggests at this point. Heavy and stringy riffs, that aren’t disappoint, blast beats delivery, gradual pace raising leads to the technical guitar solo. With this, solo sounds more like monotonic riffs and drums ornament, because it’s very unexpectable.

Riffs, solos and lyrics are stuck in your brain, and a little portion of doom is seasons the music.

And of course the sounds of helicopter, radio signal and other atmospheric sounds in the beginning and in the end of the songs are worth to be mentioned.

ЕР Pseudomorhposis is a very atmospheric work, that probably will find its place in fans collection. Hope they have some player to listen to cassettes, this music does not need to lie and gather dust. With this it’s doubtful that this music will get not to the fans of this genre – Solar Mass  are targeted to their audience, and for now they have no something catchy for ordinary music lovers.

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