Review SUNS OF THYME “Cascades” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review SUNS OF THYME “Cascades” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

- in Reviews


SUNS OF THYME “Cascades”
Napalm Records

As we all know Berlin is very huge city where’s real deluge of bands of all kinds we can imagine (and even of these which we can’t… hahahahahaha…). The best example of such strange music thing is founded on 10th May 2011 band under the name which I mentioned above. Unfortunately I didn’t get to know many so called naked facts from biography. There’s only written that band’s members have experience from their previous bands, but the most of these bands split up before “before things became really serious” – whatever it means. Anyway, in SUNS OF THYME play: Tobias Feltes (guit, voc), Tim Hoppe (guit), Jens Rosenkranz (bass), Jascha Kreft – (dr, voc) and Tammo Dehn (synths, percussions). So as you can see we have here quite typical instruments. But music is absolutely untypical!

Well, let’s be honest. I never was I’m not and I’ll never know a lot about music like that. So once again I’ll support myself by mentioned biography. There’s written that in music of Berliners we can hear echoes of “postpunk collide with bits of shoegaze, psychedelia, krautrock and arabesque elements”. I found also on their FB side term krautgaze which describes their music.  This word says anything to me, the same as “shoegaze” so… By the way, I hear here quite a lot of psychedelic elements. In general character of this music is rather psychedelic. What about Postpunk… Well, maybe there’re some echoes of that here, but rather turbid or I just heard wrong Postpunk bands… ehehehehehehe… Guys say also something about out-of-this-world way of singing. Hm… maybe I’m out-of-this-world, but I can’t see anything like that in this. YEAH! That’s truth that it’s weird and untypical, but…

OK, now I’ll try to tell you something more about this music. First of all, it’s very calm, but there’s something dark in the same time. There’re any even the smallest shadows of speed ups. Guys play all the time in rather low and calm tempo. It doesn’t matter that it’s something boring, monotonous or something. No, it happens quite a lot in this music. Riffs are mostly easy (NOT primitive) and “easy going” in its way, but from time to time happen some melodies here – other thing that they’re a little twisted. During most of the songs I hear clearly bass which play in very interesting way. Also drums work in variable way. Synths are using in very smart way. We can hear them, but not too often and they’re rather hidden in background. Of course it’s not about “intros” where they’re on the first place. But even than they’re rather subtle and play of course twisted and dark melodies. Vocal is… Well, I don’t listen music like that and know about it really little. But it reminds me a little THE CURE, but only sometimes. Anyway, it’s as all music calm, but not monotonous – even if sometimes we can have such impression.

OK, that’s it about this album (as I remember third one)! If you want just find it on YouTube or somewhere and if you’ll like it – get this and other releases of S. O. T. OH… I forgot to say something what’s important, at least I noticed it after reading of their bio. Everything on this album (including cover-art) was doing in method D.I. Y. – they did it by themselves.


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPUCROS PROD)

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