Review: THRONEUM “Morbid Death Tales”

Review: THRONEUM “Morbid Death Tales”

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THRONEUM “Morbid Death Tales”
Hells Headbangers records

Well, this band from Bytom, Poland was always prolific. There were years when they released three or even four stuffs. The fact is that the most of these releases were splits or EPs, but anyway… Last year was similar, but the difference is that the both released stuffs was full-lengths. In October reviewing album saw light of the day (or maybe musicians would be happier from term “darkness of the night”). But something happened with their creativity after changing the name from THRONE in 2000. Earlier during four years their only release was a demo entitled “Beyond the Numbers and Creatures”.

Nevertheless let’s lay off long history of this band and talk about “Morbid Death Tales”! AN album contains eleven songs of music which musicians call by the term Black/Death Metal. Seemingly they’re all similar to each other and music is uncomplicated, unvarying…., but when we’ll listen at least a little more carefully than we’ll notice that this first impression was wrong!

Riffs aren’t complicated and change not so often, but they’re not changeless at all – even if these changes are mostly rather subtle. Sometimes we can also to hear something what we can call by solos. It’s primitive and technical in the same time. Tempo is mostly fast or at least fast-middle, but in “Cacus” or “Psalm 18(17)1” it’s slow, which makes these songs majestic. Anyway, the best and clearest we can hear this various character of THRONEUM’s music in parties of drums. Seemingly it’s changeless, but the same as in case of guitar when we’ll listen to it at least a little more carefully than we’ll notice something completely opposite. The truth is that, just like guitar, it plays mostly in fast tempo, but we have really a lot of passages, cymbals… here. The same we can say about bass’ playing. So The Great Executor (by the way the only member who played yet in THRON – during the session to this album he played also bass) and Diabolizer makes really good job and give to us another proof that there’s a lot good bands in Poland. Guitarist also takes care about vocals and that’s another thing that The Great Executor really does well. It’s not typical Black or Death Metal one. I’d say that it’s the nearest to Black/Thrash bands. Anyway, it’s very diabolical, dirty and obscure…

Well, in general we can use just these adjectives with reference to whole music! So if you like to listen to something like that than this album (just like all other releases of THRONEUM) is just for you!

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