Review: Unborn Suffer “Nihilist”

Review: Unborn Suffer “Nihilist”

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Unborn Suffer Nihilist
Selfmadegod records

OK, it’s time to pay attention to one of bands coming from my home-city in Poland – Bydgoszcz. UNBORN SUFFER was born in 2001. And honestly I’m a little surprised that they released so many stuff (Nihilist is their 5th full-length besides demos, splits, live albums, etc.) because line-up changed very often here and it was about practically all positions. The only period of stabilization took place between 2002 and 2006. But it seems that Sfenson somehow gets a control of all this and band exist quite normally.

Anyway, Grind was always niche genre compared even to Metal. Some people love this, some hate thinking this is as fast as possible making noise. Personally I’m in this first category, even if love Metal first of all. I always listened to lots of this shit and know that this is any piece of cake to play it well. I tell you even what. Grind can be technically sophisticated as well as mostly not in so extremely fast tempo. Very good example of playing like that is just UNBORN SUFFER. You can hear this best and the most clearly in guitar’s line. Sfenson changes riffs often and they connote from time to time with several sub-genres of Metal. But bass and even drums play in the same way, too. This last instrument can sound a little strange, but frankly only for people who never heard this kind of music. Guitarist (Sfenson) and bassist (Sławas vel Suavaz) are responsible for vocals and this is of course growling mostly (in 99% at least).

Another, probably even primal, controversial hallmark of Grindcore is social commitment of lyrical side of creativity what’s connected with roots of this style – Punk Rock. Of course there’re some bands with porno or gore lyrics, but my buddies are faithful to tradition and condemn the system. Anyhow, to sum up Nihilist is surely good album. Especially so called true-blue fans of Grindcore should have this in their collections. I’m also sure that they’ll be very interested in getting previous releases of UNBORN SUFFER but I think not only them will find something interesting in this full-length.

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