Review: Vardan “Nostalgia – Archive Of Failures” (I, II, III)

Review: Vardan “Nostalgia – Archive Of Failures” (I, II, III)

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Vardan – Nostalgia – Archive of Failures – Part I
Vardan – Nostalgia – Archive of Failures – Part II
Vardan – Nostalgia – Archive of Failures – Part III
Moribund Records

Three albums by the always prolific Vardan, which will be followed by parts 4 to 6 very soon.

With so much material coming out from Italy’s Vardan, I have to admit I wasn’t expecting much from these three releases. When the intro kicked in on Part I, I was expecting, as is the case so often, the loud intro would make way for tinny, low volume Black Metal.

Thankfully the high quality sound of the intro transfers to the songs themselves. And the album, Part I consists of four long tracks, that move around between atmospheric, miserable and a more traditional Black Metal sound, albeit at a slower pace than most, bar the bombastic finale of PI IV.

The music really draws you in and the whole of the albums 42 minute duration is an enjoyable journey.

Part II only consists of two tracks, but both come in at around 23 minutes a piece. The album overall, has a much more depressing feel, with the 1st track conjuring up images of Varg playing his plinky plonky  keyboards over his earlier material whilst being strangled in his prison cell!!!. It definitely has a more Burzum like feel to it and once again, it drifts along and draws you in via the albums atmospheric core.

I’ve enjoyed both albums so far, but Part II just edges it for me.

Part III is a continuation of Part II. Slightly shorts songs, but still epic 18 and 20 minute tracks. A bit less Burzum, but still with plenty of misery swooshing around. The vocals are probably a bit harsher this time around, and the strummed guitars make themselves known. It’s not a million miles away from my buddy Chiral, if you’re familiar with his work.

This album is by far the most melodic, it also has a slightly uneasy feel, which to me, borders on psychedelic… or should that be psychotic?

I have to say, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with this release. Easy to get into from the off, it’s a good soundtrack to work to. It’s not had any sudden changes to distract me, and at the same time I’ve been engaged all the way through, whilst being able to do my work.

As well as via digital, you can get all 3 parts via a special box set, limited to 300 copies. And if you’re into the more miserable end of Black Metal, this is well worth getting.

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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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