Review: VIRGIN STEELE “Visions of Eden”

Review: VIRGIN STEELE “Visions of Eden”

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VIRGIN STEELE “Visions of Eden”
Steamhammer / SPV

“Visions of Eaden” (“The Lilith Project – A Barbaric Romantic Movie of the Mind”) is 11th Virgin Steele album from 2006 (T&T/Sanctuary Records). In February 2017, band re-released album on 2CD’s. The first CD is remix version of an album, while second CD is remastered presentation of the original album.

“Visions of Eaden” is a concept album. In short lines: the whole story is focused on Lillith, the first Adam wife, her agony and stupidity of Adam and Eve. God is seen as entity who controls his creatures. At the moment when Lillith refuses to accept his believes, the torture starts. Lillith was thrown to hell and raped by Satan. The whole stupidity of mankind and religion is well described in 80 minutes and that is the big plus of this album. The concept is interesting, but hard core Virgin Steele fans could hardly accept album, they considered it is unfinished, not heavy enough.

I would describe it is long lasting ballad. Basicly, if you compare this album to previous ones, the foucus is, as I wrote, on ballads, keyboards and vocals. All lyrics are written by DeFeis, so as the most of music.

Story has theatrical form, and it was actually adapted for theater’s performances. Vorgin Steele is one of the rare bands, if not the only one band, who had opportunity to put three Metal Operas on theatrical repertoire with great sucess.

Who would better explain the structure of the album than DeFais?

“Visions Of Eden” is most definitely not about happiness, peace, contentment or Eternal tranquility…It is in fact the complete opposite. It is about disorder, strife, struggle, dominance, the annihilation of a culture, the annihilation of a way of Life, and the violation & annihilation of a human being. I have based this Work around the history of the destruction of Paganism, Gnosticism and the desecration & eradication of the Goddess Principle that once dwelt so freely within Divinity. A massive blow was struck against these early beliefs, by first, the rise of the “Father-God” principle, and second by the development of “organized” religions. The “Visions Of Eden” album concerns LILITH, first wife of Adam, (he of Biblical fame, as in Adam & Eve and the apple, the snake and all that fig leaf and rib propaganda), plus Ancient Sumerian Myths concerning Lilith’s relationship with Adam, Eve and God. However, that being said, in actuality, it is really about today…modern times and how we might have arrived here at this strange place we now currently inhabit…”

My personal opinion is that the first song “Immortal I Stand” (“The Birth of Adam”) is outstanding and 100% Virgin Steele while the rest of an album is mediocre (lookind from the musical, not theatrical perspective). It brings beautiful harsh DeFeis interpretation, it has dramatic moments and easily remembered melodic chorus:

“Immortal I stand
Before God A Man
Immortal & Brave no Fear of the Grave
I will reveal the Flesh in your Word… IMMORTAL I STAND!”

Each song has dramatic elements, memorable verses, for biblical Garden of Eden admirers maybe too painful and offensive:

“Fuck you Adam,
Fuck you Eve
Fuck your God and his Infernal needs
Fuck your Children Poison seed
Like a cancer you’ll conceive.”

(“Black Light on Black”)

Anylizing album from 10 years distance might be hard. In 2006 I was dissapointed. At the beginning of 2017 I can say I learnt a lot and acepted it not as an Virgin Steele classic album, but as a brave career move, the risk that payed off.

Compared to previous releases, this album was not for everyone. It takes more time, blood, sweat and tears till you finally acept it. From this distance, I can say this is like good wine, it needs time to grow. If it was signed as DeFeis solo project (I am just guessing) it would have more sucess.

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