Review: Wind Rose “Stonehymn”

Review: Wind Rose “Stonehymn”

- in Reviews

Wind Rose “Stonehymn”
Inner Wound Recordings

Album number 3 for Italian’s Wind Rose and on their 3rd different label…

This is my 1st encounter with the epic sound of Wind Rose and after 3 minutes of the 1st song proper, Dance Of Fire, I’m itching to check out their back catalogue… fuck this is good.

Their sound is epic, there is no other word for it. Ok, they probably won’t win any points for originality, but their sound is like a mix of Blind Guardian, of course Tolkien, an addictive upbeat brand of Folk Metal, huge choirs and to top it all, the music of Ennio Morricone, one of my favourite composers of movie soundtracks.

So imagine giant orcs going to battle against Clint Eastwood in the desert with a choir standing by belting out a few choruses, and a with a bunch of dwarves drinking around a campfire, and that’s what’s happening in my brain right now. And without the help of drugs fuelling my overactive mind, bar a can of energy drink.

But this really is something special… and I’m not comparing the two albums as one is more classical than the other, but I’ve not enjoyed an album of this type so much since Haggard’s masterpiece, Eppur Si Muove… but even mentioning it in the same sentence is a massive compliment to Wind Rose.

Stonehymn is much more battle ready version of the Haggard classic. To Erebor is a jaunty number that wouldn’t be out of place on an Alestorm album, so there are major differences between the styles, but not of the quality.

I’ve been a music addict, there’s no other term for it, since the age of about 7… 43 years later and it’s albums like this that still fuel my desire to discover new music on a daily basis.

If you’re into the likes of Blind Guardian and Epica, or even just of epic symphonic Metal, then this really is an essential purchase.

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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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