UNLEASHED 2nd track-by-track trailer

UNLEASHED 2nd track-by-track trailer

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Warriors!!! Hear the sound of the battle cry! With their new album »Dawn Of The Nine«, legendary Swedish trailblazers UNLEASHED have forged a modern Death Metal weapon from the blood and spirit of their Viking ancestors.
Now the band is offering fans a taster of their forthcoming masterpiece, in the form of the second part of the track-by-track trailer.
Check out the video (with song snippets) here:

Mastermind Johnny commented further on the idea behind these songs on the new album:

Where is your god now?:

The Battalions of the World now embark on a quest to hunt down White Christ and to challenge him personally. Needless to say, he must face the atrocities he is responsible for.
But just like any other coward, it seems that he has fled to higher ground. The Hammer Battalions are ready, waiting eagerly…… Where is your god now?”

The Bolt Thrower:

The Midgard Warriors and their elite forces (the Hammer Battalions) are being led by the new avenger of Odalheim.
Just like his father before him, he is known by many names. His warriors call him The Bolt Thrower.

Let the Hammer fly:

As the battle rages and Christ is nowhere to be found, no mercy is given to the women slayers of White Christ.
Vengeance is taken for their deeds in the battle at Uppsala fields. Victorious and courageous, the Midgard Warriors now move their forces further up north.

Where churches once burned:

The Midgard Warriors now march across the northern lands to take back the land of our fathers, village by village, land by land.
Churches are burned. And the Hammer of Thor is reinstated.

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