Review: KROSSFYRE “Burning Torches”

Review: KROSSFYRE “Burning Torches”

- in Reviews

KROSSFYRE “Burning Torches”
Hells Headbangers records

One look at the bullet belt, studs and skull on the cover and you should have these guys sussed straight away.

Hailing from Catalonia, the 5 members all have extensive experience in the Spanish underground, bar vocalist, A.K. who only has one other band on his résumé.

But the confidence and the experience is evident from the off as they glide from the intro, to the all out blitzkrieg of Fire Solution.

Krossfyre are a band you can define however you want, as most caps will fit. For me, they’re a gnarly hybrid of Death/Thrash and Black Metal, aka Old School Metal. It’s bullet belts loaded and shake your head for Satan = Good old fashioned Heavy Metal, with a dark side.

Strip away the simple blasting surface and there’s some seriously good playing going on, especially with the hypnotic bass lines on the title track. Whilst chaos reigns supreme, A.T. is grooving away in a sublime style and his bass work is captivating.

But for the most part, this is just a major dandruff shaker as Krossfyre just tear it up like most good bands from the 90s.

This debut offering clocks in at just under 20 minutes and that’s just about right for something this intense. Any more and it would become samey, or start to drag.

This is out now and vinyl junkies can also get this in gold vinyl… the only gold disc I ever owned was the 12” single of Creeping Death… and it sure did look great… and like the early Metallica single, this sounds great too.

Buy or fucking die!!!!

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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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