1914 “Eschatology of War” review (by Natalia)

1914 “Eschatology of War” review (by Natalia)

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1914 “Eschatology of War”
Archaic Sound

It doesn’t matter how well you know the history in WWI period, LP Eschatology Of War from Lviv’s band 1914 wouldn’t leave you indifferent. Specific lyric’s issue, which can be understood from band’s name, makes to think and causes for strong feelings almost everyone. 1914 get their inspiration from world first cruelty, brutality and indifference for simple men from powers that be. And this inspiration inexhaustible. Their music is full of sad thoughts for past, future and when all this senseless slaughters will finally ends.

Album’s intro “War In” starts with and old record of Britain military march, which played while Ireland youth, smiling for their girls, went to war. Maybe, in someone’s mind ” It is a long way to Tipperary” really was louder than sounds of air raid in last moments of his life.

Next song gives literally feel the fear and soldier’s desperate heroism. Brutality and hate that was in the air and death, which was always near. Low bass and extreme vocals conveys the full range of emotions. Death metal guitar riffs and music theme that blaze with inferno’s hate energy (thanks to back metal elements), all of this can be heard in “Gas Mask”

“Frozen in Trenches” opens another view of WWI. Wind blowing with melodies that were popular those times, mixed with shot sounds, blast beats and blackened vocals. All of this causes goosebumps and it feels really cold. But the whisper and guitar lines in the next track “Verdun” makes your heart been really frozen. This song gives to listener all the horrors from “Verdun slaughter”. Sounds of shots and soldiers screaming can be heard during whole album.

“Caught in the Crossfire” makes it really sad. Hopelessness and despair fills every note of this song.

Track no.6, Zeppelin Raids logically begins with the sounds of air raid and remembered by its sad main theme and blast beats. Song’s final part makes you stop breathing.

The powerful and slow track “Ottoman Rise”, which is followed, blasts with its riffs, blast bits and extreme vocals stir up the ambience even more. Good decision with other sounds that produce an indescribable experience. The song “Arditi” contrasts with the previous one, without disturbing the overall spirit of the album. It gives a crazy courage feel.

“Battlefield” is full not of heroism, but emptiness and pain. The album ends with “War Out” track, which squeeze your heart after listening to a whole album.

Conceptual work of 1914 is a very successful band’s debut. We hope they will blast listeners’ minds with their “shrapnel metal”, because they make really atmospheric music. It’s only need to close your eyes and feel yourself lone soldier of WWI, lost in bloodbath.

(c) written by Natalia (Ukrainian version on http://www.dailymetal.com.ua/)

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