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Mascot Label Group has announced the signing of AYREON, the highly acclaimed project from singer / songwriter / multi-instrumentalist / record producer Arjen Lucassen. The AYREON catalog, comprising seven studio albums, will be released on various digital platforms on April 22.

Arjen Lucassen and Mascot Label Group CEO Ed van Zijl go back twenty years. Ed was doing business out of his one-man office when Arjen showed up on his doorstep, with AYREON‘s debut album, “The Final Experiment”, in hand. They didn’t ink a deal that day, but both parties are extremely pleased to say that as of 2016, Music Theories Recordings (part of Mascot Label Group) is AYREON‘s new home.

Obviously the two started discussing Lucassen’s other projects as well. When the topic of AYREON came up, Ed van Zijl offered Lucassen a deal he couldn’t refuse… or could he? It took Lucassen six months to decide. “At first I didn’t feel the urge to change labels,” Arjen said. ” But in the back of my mind was the feeling that I really liked the atmosphere and the people at Mascot. This Dutch company, close by, just felt good.” The idea of trying something new finally tipped the scales: “Ed simply said yes to everything I asked for! Plus, it was time for a fresh new start.”

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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