Baby Dollz all-female Metal band presentation + stream

Baby Dollz all-female Metal band presentation + stream

- in Z-A - Unsigned bands

Baby Dollz logo transparente (Копировать).png
Please introduce yourself.
Hi, we are: Baby Dollz. All-female metal band.

When your band was created?
Baby Dollz was created since 2009 but the original project begins in August 2013.

What the style do you play?
We play “metal Dollz” because our music has a little piece of all of us and our influences.

How could you describe your music by several words?
Powerful and forceful.

What is the main theme of your lyrics?
We try to create music for us and for everyone. You can find something dark in our lyrics but with a story. We imagine that all of our songs are like a movie with a interesting theme and powerful.

What would you like to achieve with the band activity?
We would like to share our music with all the world and do what we love forever.
Baby Dollz is ready to make history in the music world.

How many gigs you have played so far and maybe you visit another countries with concerts?
We are glad because we have so many gigs in our city and in our state and we think that is because people and fans support us. They are really amazing! Wonderful people, totally faithful to our music. They have supported us from the start and we are very grateful for that.
We are waiting and ready for share our music in all our country and, of course, around the world.

Is there anything very important about your band what SHOULD know fans and labels?
Baby Dollz is not just a metal band, is a project of life made by five young girls who give their heart in which they love more: Music.
Baby Dollz is always open for new fans and new offers.

What the formats you would like to see your releases, CD, Vinyl, Tape…? And how do you see future of physical releases?
The industry of music is difficult because the technology is strong in this day. We think that is really amazing have our CD in our hands. It’s a great feeling have your work and passion just in front of you, but of course, we also have the EP online.

When you will get label deal, would you like to help to the label with promotion from your side, or you want label do all without your help?
Of course! We love our job. We participate in everything we do; composition, design, recording process, photoshoots, merchandise, social media, etc. The label it’s a big support and we’ll be really grateful if someone will be part of our family, family Dollz. So much work for both sides!

What’s your reaction towards negative opinions about your music?
Well, people always talk about your work, but we know that our work it’s made with our hearts and souls. It’s a big effort of many people!
We listen all comments but we keep with the good, with the good advices. It’s more the good than the bad comments.
We are sure of that we do it’s amazing!

And last question, how do you like our webzine, do you have some remarks towards its look or functionality?
It’s amazing!
We think it’s great that exists this kind of sites where you can broadcast music and talent that surrounds the world. It is a great opportunity for new and unsigned bands to get noticed.

BABY DOLLZ (Копировать).jpg
Baby Dollz is not just a metal band, is a project of life made by five young girls who give their heart in which they love more: Music.

Effe Ele Dollz – Drums
Karina Clowes – Vocals
R Dailor Dollz – Bass
Flor Dollz – Lead guitar
Dulce Hale – Guitar

Baby Dollz began with its original project in the middle of August of 2013 and, since then, they have been preparing so hard, composing, rehearsing, designing and making recordings to create their first EP with original music within the metal genre.

Their goal is to transmit music to their fans, making a quality production and proving that they can remain in the memory of everyone.
Dulce Hale - Rhytm Guitar (Копировать).jpg
Effe Ele Dollz - Drums (Копировать).jpg
Flor Dollz - Lead Guitar (Копировать).jpg
Karina Clowes - Vocals (Копировать).jpg
R Dailor Dollz - Bass (Копировать).jpg

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