BALLS OUT “Too Big To Handle” to be released on March 9

BALLS OUT “Too Big To Handle” to be released on March 9

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French Rock’n’Roll band BALLS OUT signs to M & O Music“Too Big To Handle” to be released on March 9th, 2018! First song revealed!

Balls Out is an unstoppable thirsty war machine full of creativity and ambition, driven by Yann, guitarist with killers riffs, Sonny at the second guitar as melodic as hard and Pierre, the wild child of drums, which supports with his nuclear strike the songs of the band leaded by Pat, bass player and singer with his voice from hell.

Balls Out, it’s a demoniac energy on stage, a communion with the crowd.

Influenced by legends like AC/DCMotörheadKiss or Led ZeppelinBalls Out have a promise : Be the keepers of the keys of rock ‘n’ roll.

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