Bucharest Deathfest 2025 Confirms FLESHCRAWL & GUINEAPIG

Bucharest Deathfest 2025 Confirms FLESHCRAWL & GUINEAPIG

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Bucharest Deathfest will take place at Quantic Club, on March 1, 2025, and adds on the bill two new names: Fleshcrawl (DE), and Guineapig (IT).

The first names confirmed on the festival bill are Analepsy (PT), Squash Bowels (PL), Skaphos (FR), and De Profundis (UK).

More bands and other information will be announced soon.

Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1476193036629524/

Event by Axa Valaha Productions.

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Metal girl, journalist & promoter. Cats - Travel girl - Tons of music What else?

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