Foret D’ Orient “Venetia” review

Foret D’ Orient “Venetia” review

- in Reviews


Foret D’ Orient “Venetia”album
Visionaire Records

Ha-ha, it was really surprising for me when I read that band’s title is in French, in spite they are from Italy, just because as far as I know, there are not so much people from Venice hailing France, anyway we have what we have. Well, so, you can’t even imagine why I choose this band for listening among thousands of other promos, all in typically simple, I was in Venice, and I just love Venice, so I’ll return there again and again, and I have read that Foret D’ Orient’s main themes are: Venetian Goddess, History, etc; thus, since their music is linked with Venice not only by musician’s location, that was enough for me to pay big attention to them.

Ok, Foret D’ Orient was formed 7 years ago, and five years after very first EP they have released very first full-length album. All in all there are seven songs (including two instrumentals) on around 34 minutes of mahestic sounds. Musically we have some kind of emotional and Atmospheric black metal, with dosen of orchestral parts and both roars and clear vocals, symphonic tunes, orchestral tunes, harp sounds, some classical touches (the last track is (of course, hehe) – “Adagio In Sol Minore”) etc. And since Venice was the origin place for major artists, writers etc, I see musicians from Foret D’ Orient have enough potential to compose some decent stuff, but if their music can be not accepted by some radical black metal fans, all of those who interested to listen to some majestic music, with raging guitars, memorable guitar solos, cold bass lines and ala fairytale atmosphere – are welcomed here. Next thing, from my personal point of view, musicians must to think about their future sound, I mean “Venetia” sounds a bit raw, and if it would have just a bit more massive sound – would be awesome, but, we have what do we have as for now, and I was completely satisfied with the music I have heard out of there.

Enough memorable, with really hard to recommend one or several tracks (every songs is great on the album) atmospheric/orchestral/symphonic and catching album! Definitely must be in collection! Just relax and play it on mid volume! Deserved high score!


band’s FB
label’s FB


(c) Aleksandr Maksymov

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