Interview Asylum Pyre

Interview Asylum Pyre

- in Written interviews

Interview with Johann Cadot, guitarist and vocalist of the French metal band, Asylum Pyre.


Salut Johann, thank you for your time. When did Asylum Pyre rooted into the metal scene?
Hi, thanks for your interest! Well, the first show was back in 2007, but at that time it was really just the beggining of pretty everything…

Until now you have released three albums, the latest one is ”Spirited Away”, talk about it.
Hmmm…. Since the beginning we have had a big evolution from lyrical metal to something really more modern now. I would describe it as a mix between the traditionnal scene and the modern ones. Some heavy riffs with some electro elements. A mix between heavy-rock US sound and european one. But, what has not changed is that we focus on emotions, hooking melodies and lyrics with a meaning…. telling stories! We describe it as Modern Melodic Metal. Finally we really wanted some straightforward songs to be played live !

What does the cover artwork of the album represents?
It can be described as “a visible mind into an invisible body”.

What can you tell me about the themes, influences?
The previous albums were dealing a lot with ecology. This one is about human spirit and soul. Their twists and turns.

The band had line-up changes, even the female vocalist, at the moment Chaos Heidi is the actual vocalist, Elodie and Carole are the ex-members. Why they have left the band?
Heidi is now the vocalist for 2 albums. Elodie was there just at the beggining and Carole did the first one.Well, the reason?… Life, just life !

Did you start to write new materials for a future release?
Yes, the upcoming album is almost ready, 17 songs are written on their way to be.

Are there any dates confirmed? If so, where people can catch you live?
We will play in Paris on May 24th. Then other gigs are in discussion but nothing is settled so far.

How do you see Asylum Pyre in the metal scene of France and also what’s your opinion about the French scene?
We are kinda in the middle of everything! We have influences from every parts of the metal sphere. I think not a lot of band do that as we do. The French metal scene is mainly about thrash metal. So we are kinda weird in this landscape.

Are you or the other band members involved in other bands?
Not really. Nils Courbaeron who played on tour with us with Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody is in the band T.A.N.K. (Think of A New Kind), a very cool melodic death metal band.

Is there a message you want to transmit for the fans?
Who will rise from somewhere people don’t expect us to! We will share tunes and emotions with you. We want to make people scream their hearts out while listening to our music!

Again thank you for this interview. All the best Johann!
Thanks a lot and see you on tour!

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