Interview: Ole of Myrholt

Interview: Ole of Myrholt

- in Written interviews

Hi Ole, I’m glad to have a chat with you today! “Nordland” album was released last year, some months later you have released Single “Solens soenn og maanens datter kapittel I”, the single is an acoustic track, does it mean your new album will be recorded in an acoustic way or this track is like an intro for coming album?
Hi Robert! The mentioned single is just an acoustic version of the opening track from ”Solens Soenn og Maanens Datter”. The track will be presented in its full metal armor on the album.

Well, I would like to speak about the “Nordland”. I do not speak the Norwegian language, please tell me what are your songs about? Just like press-release says: “”Nordland” is a reflection of life in the desolate northern regions of Norway.”, can you tell us more on this topic?
I guess the lyrics reflect my views on life and how I choose to, or wish to live it. These poems are very personal and I’ve only released small excerpts from them in booklets and on Instagram.

The entire album sounds in a classical way of Black metal… The entire album threw me back into the early of the ‘90s. Is this your pure passion to play classical way of Norwegian Black metal? What the kind of inner feedback you receive when you listen to your albums?
I have been making riffs like these since 92/ 93 and I was and still are highly inspired by some of the bands from back then. I get the chills from those old cold productions so I guess it comes naturally. I went through a box of old demo tapes the other day and digitalized them to keep em safe. Some of those tapes hadn’t been played in 25 years. Stylewise it sounds similar to what I write today but hopefully my instrumental skills have improved a tad since 92, haha. I consider releasing some of the older material on a compilation tape with the title ”1992 – 2017 – 25 aar i opposisjon”. Otherwise, I rarely listen to my own stuff except from in the recording and mixing phases.

How was the fans reaction to “Nordland”? Do you think there are still some die-hard fans who listening to Norwegian Black Metal not only because of “trademark”?
The feedback has been good both in reviews and from people in general. I’m sure there are still some who listen to black metal for genuine reasons as well as some who only follow trends.

The album was released by your own label Myrholt Design. Is this because there is no proper label interested to sign Myrholt or you just trying to keep everything “in-house” for full control?
I’ve become quite eccentric in my introvert approach at making music so it suits me perfectly to have full control of the production. I do everything myself these days, from the riffs to the layout. Besides, I have done the whole mediocre metal label thing several times with other bands.

It is not recommended.

Guest vocals by Thomas Eriksen of Mork. What was the reason you chose him to contribute? Are you friends or just “business partners”?
I consider Thomas a close friend. We met on a festival back in December 2016. I was playing with my Death Metal band Those Left Behind and Mork was booked to headline one of the nights but needed a drummer. I was asked, had a quick listen and said yes. We had a blast. Great band and great people. Playing that gig reignited the fire and I was inspired to create what became Myrholt. So I guess I asked him to contribute since he was involved in bringing me back on track and for obvious reasons I gave him a sloth on one of the most Burzum-esque riffs on the whole album.

Myrholt is a one-man band. Didn’t you think to make a permanent line-up, to play live etc?
Black metal for me has always been introvert. I prefer to compose and record in solitude to keep the feeling right. That’s how I did it from the beginning. No techs, no interference, no nothing. I have no plans of doing Myrholt live. It’s not necessarily music for party people.

From your point of view – which Norwegian bands still can be recognized as a pure black metal acts (I even do not use the word “true”, you know)? Many people say only Varg still is a clear-minded guy while the rest of musicians from bands like Emperor, Enslaved and etc are just “gimme money I will agree with everything around, I’ll support mu@lims, I’m OK with mo@ques here in Scandinavia etc”… I also would like to know your personal opinion regarding so hot topic – your feelings about racism and gays, please?
It’s been said before but obviously needs repeating. Black metal was never confined to a certain sound even though it obviously was and should be intense. If you compare the first releases from those primordial bands they sound nothing alike. Black metal is more a mindset than a genre. I’m sure that most of those involved from the beginning still remember the feeling we had in the ’90s. People evolve and find new ways of expressing themselves and that’s good and all but sometimes they stray from the path. I’m not that good at keeping up with new bands or new endeavors from those old bands so I’m probably not the right person to ask who’s what these days. Mork should be mentioned for keeping the flame lit. There are not many new bands doing just that. I’m not sure if clear-minded is the first adjective that comes to mind if I should describe Varg but he absolutely has some good points in his outlook on life. I support his strive to be self-sufficient.

Norway is a pretty reach country, I was in Norway and I know there are high prices for everything but people have a decent life, how do you personally see the life in Norway? Again, back to Varg, he said the Norwegian government just robs people by taxes and etc… So do you agree Norwegian financial viability is not so great as everybody in the world see?
We’re crossing borders to political landscapes here. And I’m not political. Paying taxes secures us when it comes to health and such. That said, Norway could easily lower some of the taxes and still deliver a decent welfare system. If anything I’d wish it would be easier to be self-sufficient. There are so many mandatory fees that it is difficult to be independent of the state. That sucks. Alcohol is very expensive in Norway compared to most countries. But I brew my own beer so…

I do not know why but often when I’m listening to Myrholt one of bands that comes to my mind is Bathory… Do you like Bathory? From your point of view – what was the best years of Bathory?
I absolutely appreciate Bathory but I think I’m mostly indirectly inspired by them via a bunch of other bands that I listened to a lot when I was younger. If I have to choose a specific Bathory era it would have to be 87-88 and the Scandinavian Metal Attack version of ”Sacrifice”

How do you see Black metal’s future? Did you ever think Black metal may completely turn into modern melodies, progressive tunes and so on?
I think there will always be some who dwell in the past and some who try to push borders and reinvent themselves. And that’s positive. If a handful of Norwegian kids hadn’t done just that we wouldn’t have had Norwegian Black Metal. With Myrholt I obviously dwell in the past.

What’s next? When Myrholt will record some new album or EP? What shall we expect from you next years?
I have recorded drums and guitars for the ”Solens Soenn og Maanens Datter” album. Writing the lyrics for it as we speak. I’ll complete it early this summer. ”Nordland” will be available on CD and tape any day now. The ”Moerketid” EP will be released on tape this autumn with at least one bonus track. Some of the other releases will probably get the tape treatment as well. As mentioned I’ve been thinking of doing a compilation of old and new unreleased material. We’ll see.

Thank you so much, I hope you were not bored by my questions, haha! Stay cold!
Staying cold is rarely a problem in the north of Norway, haha! Thanks for your interest!

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