Interview Resurrecturis (By Carla Morton)

Interview Resurrecturis (By Carla Morton)

- in Written interviews

An interview with Carlo Strappa, the guitar player of the Italian metal band, Resurrecturis.
logo-nero (Копировать) Greetings Carlo, how are you?
I’m good, maybe a bit tired, but that’s not unusual after a long day in the office…

When did Resurrecturis was formed?
Resurrecturis began in 1990 and has remained in activity ever since. Over the course of these 25 long years we’ve seen a bit of everything. Furious gigs stopped by the police, nearly fatal car crashes, internal fights, adoring crowds, etc, etc. The passion is still the same as if time hasn’t passed. Today we’re much more realistic and aware of the dynamics that run the music industry, having a better understanding of the world around you allows you to appreciate more your achievements…

You have released this year the fourth full-lenght called ”Nazienda”. Tell me about it.
Generally speaking we’re very happy with the album. It’s a very personal and strong release.
Lyric-wise is something that’s quite unprecedented, since it’s a concept album on the lives and routines of today’s employees. We tried to portrait the different moments of the day with our music. That’s why each song carry a time mark at the beginning of the title. And that is also the reason why the music is so varied, because we really wanted to represent the thoughts and emotions that associate with the different phases of the day.
We put a lot of effort in making it at the top of our abilities, with a good sound and a good label to support it.The graphic presentation is another thing that we’re really proud of. The CD includes  a 24 page booklet with reproduction of painting by Italian artist Daniele Cudini, who got hooked to the concept of the album and allowed us to use many of his paintings to widen the meaning of our lyrics. It’s a pretty complex concept and we’re aware that it might be a bit hard for somebody to relate to it on the first listen. that ‘s also the reason why we created a graphic novel with the aid of a great artist named Albano Scevola. This small illustrated tale tells the same story of the album and eases the way for the listener inside the album. With this album we’re defying a bit the listeners to see if a more mature approach to music can be understood and appreciated. We’ll see what will come out of it!!

Did you receive good reviews about the album?
The album is coming out on September 25th, so I haven’t seen a lot of press yet. There are a couple of reviews that I’m aware of and one is enthusiastic and the other tells we sound just like noise, which is just ok, considering that it comes from a classic rock website. We’re a bit too extreme for people with those tastes.

Tell me also some things about the other releases of the band.
Our debut album, “Nocturnal”, was a solid example of evolved death metal. Unfortunately it suffered from very bad distribution by Power Records (Holland). This was a real shame because through our demo tapes we had managed to obtain a certain degree of underground notoriety, so we expected to do more… Probably the album got sucked back in the “anti death metal black metal reflux” of the late nineties and some of the doors were locked for a band like ours. “The Cuckoo Clocks Of Hell” (Mondongo Canibale, Spain), our second album went fairly well especially because we supported it with a heavy touring campaign all over Europe with the likes of Vital Remains, Impaled Nazarene and Macabre, were we left a good impression on the crowds we performed for. TCCOH was a fiercely aggressive release that on many episodes went for the jugular with full speed grind assaults.“Non Voglio Morire” was released by Casket/Copro (UK) and I really don’t see why they took the disturb to put it out, since they seemed not to have a bit of interest in promoting and distributing it. NVM contains very good songs but I have some regrets on the production side of things. Hopefully for “Nazienda” we have made a treasure of all the past experiences and have been able to build a strong team to make a record that has a great sound, that is promoted and distributed appropriately and that is good enough to catch the interest of the fans out there.
Resurrecturis_live (Копировать) Who mainly writes the lyrics and what are the lyrical themes?
That is me. Nowadays Resurrecturis lyrics deal exclusively with personal experiences and our own lives.

 Any influences?
Even though I don’t think we really resemble them musically some of the models that I have in mind when I think of us are Master, Carcass, Repulsion, Napalm Death, Death, Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Converge. But there are many musical influences that pile up in our sound.

Are there any shows confirmed for this year?
So far we have some sparse gigs in Italy that we are putting in line for when the album is released. Somebody told us he would want to bring us to Russia. Some booking agency showed interest in putting on some dates. We’ll se what will come out of it…

 A message for your fans?
Listen to our new album, “Nazienda”, and  let us know how you like (or you don’t). We tried our best to give you a meaningful and exciting listening experience. Also check our video for the song “06:30 The Alarm”. Maybe you can find something in our songs that will resonate in your souls…

Cheers Carlo and all the best!
Thanks a lot to you Carla (hey, we bear the same name!!). Keep up with your killer work and support quality underground bands. There are many around that would deserve more attention and cannot find a way into people’s ears. Rock on!

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