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Hi! How has your approach to blending metal subgenres evolved on “Tempestuous Demise”?
Zakk W: I’m not sure it has honestly, lol. It’s really always been my approach. I love all kinds of metal and so I’ve just always kind of tried to blend it all together.

How did collaborations with Rich, Fabio, and Lycane shape the creative process on this album?
ZW: Well it sped things up a lot, and I’m not just talking about the tempo. These guys are all true professionals in their craft. Their efforts really inspired me in so many ways. Sometimes one of them would send me something that took the song in a different direction that I liked better than the demo versions. Other times, they would capture the exact vibe of what I was hearing in my head without me even saying anything.

In what ways does “Tempestuous Demise” represent progression from your previous work, musically and conceptually?
ZW: Musically it has turned into a real group effort. The previous two albums, it was just me and one other person. This album it was 4 people writing music. Conceptually, this album has a much darker influence than the previous two albums. It kind of dwelled on the evil that people do to one another and how it effects a person’s outlook and psyche.

What were some challenges you faced during the creation of “Tempestuous Demise,” and how did you overcome them?
ZW: The biggest challenge was without a doubt, having Burt step away from the project. It happened right after we agreed to sign the contract. It was very discouraging and I almost didn’t go through with signing it because I didn’t know if I could do it by myself. But, eventually I decided I wasn’t going to do it myself and so I just reached out to anyone I even thought could help. And I am super lucky to have found not just one person, but three outstanding musicians.

Which musicians worldwide inspired you for this album, and how did they influence its sound?
ZW: Once again, I would have to give that credit to Rich, Fabio and Lycane. They all inspired me to look at this project in a more professional way. They inspired me to be a better musician as well as a better mixing engineer. One thing you will notice is that this album has more bass to it ha ha! Rich played such amazing bass line on these songs that I knew I had to mix things in a way that people could hear that. Everyone’s talent and intense efforts influenced me to do something that is a bit less guitar centric as well and focus more on the entire arraingement.

How do you think “Tempestuous Demise” will appeal to fans of different metal styles?
ZW: Well they’ll either love it or hate it! A lot of people say they “like everything”, but when you put something like this in front of them you see how much they really mean that.

What themes are explored in “Tempestuous Demise”?
ZW: The theme of the album in general is Daimonion, or what some people would call demonic influence. Not just who or what it influences, but how. Sometimes it entices people with things like power or pleasure. Other times it uses bad experiences and negativity to influence people’s actions. But ultimately, the goal of it’s influence is the destruction of the self and humanity as a whole.

How does collaboration contribute to the depth and richness of the album?
ZW: The easiest way to answer that would be to say it covers a lot more ground. We all have different strengths in various styles of metal. Lycane’s drum style is heavily influenced by black metal, where as Fabio has a very classic thrash style of playing. Rich’s approach to bass is very progressive and theory based. My approach to the guitar is just trying to absorb all of that and incorporate anything else that sounds or feels right.

What role does experimentation play in shaping the sound of “Tempestuous Demise”?
ZW: I experimented a lot with my guitar tone on this album. The previous two albums I recorded both on the same amplifier with both albums. With Tempestuous Demise, I used a few different amps and a different tuning. I also experimented a little bit with samples, and an ebow sort of gadget called the Sound Stone. It is essentially a magnetic device that causes the guitar strings to vibrate in a way that makes these really erie sounding volume swells.

What trends or developments in the USA’s metal music scene intrigue or concern you?
ZW: I really like seeing promotors that put together events that focus on promoting underground artists, like the Tennessee Metal Devastation festival. It’s great to see events focus on less established acts as the main attraction instead of the usual insert big name headliner here festival with overpriced tickets and beers.

How do visual aesthetics complement the listening experience of “Tempestuous Demise”?
ZW: They do? Ha! Joking aside, I’ve never been great at visual aesthetics. It’s not that I haven’t tried either. I actually did film playthroughs for the first two albums, that may or may not ever see the light of day. But this is the first time a Cryptic Confinement album has actually had accompanying videos for the songs, so it’s really more new territory for me.

Can you share insights into your songwriting process for engaging both seasoned metal fans and newcomers?
ZW: To tell you the truth I don’t really have a process. To me, a process is doing something the same way from start to finish every time. And music just doesn’t work that way. Sometimes it starts with a melody, other times it starts with a beat. Sometimes it starts with a weird noise you heard somewhere. But one sign that it’s good music is that the end result is never the same as your previous efforts.

What’s next for you?
More collaborations I hope! I would love to work with all of the guys from the Tempestuous Demise album again and I’m always open to working with other people to write songs with as well. I think at this point Cryptic Confinement could be considered an open source project that anyone can contribute to.
It’s been a pleasure answering your questions!
Zakk Weathersby,
Cryptic Confinement

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