Master (Paul Speckmann) (USA-Cze) interview

Master (Paul Speckmann) (USA-Cze) interview

- in Written interviews

Welcome! Read an interview with legendary person – Paul Speckmann from Master!

Hey brother! How are you these days? Are there too many work with tours now?

Things are great as usual, there are never too many tours, actually never enough! The band plays about 120 shows per year but we would do more if we could.

Recently you have returned from South American tour! I have seen all the photos and etc… Looks like as all was great, aren’t it? Please tell us more about this tour; like who organized it and what are your impressions upon return?

Actually I just returned from the USa tour two days ago. South America was organized by Sevenstars productions in Brazil and the tour kicked as it always does there. It’s like Europe in the early 90’s people are still just discovering the music so they truly enjoy aggressive Metal in South america. The US tour also was a blast 20 shows in 23 days.

September 2013 was released new MASTER’ killing machine, called “The Witchhunt”. As for me – this album is really awesome! Pure death metal in it’s real way! How could you describe this album by yourself? Do you agree there are NOT anything to change on it?

This is just another killer Master record tht we recorded, mixed and mastered in 1 week. We go in the studio with the same approach always and hope for the best. I am satisfied with this new masterpiece, when something isn’t broken then there is nothing to change my friend.

It was released by German FDA Rekotz. Are you glad with this cooperation completely? Did you got all you counted for?

FDA is a professional outfit and has done a super job with The Witchhunt and has also got me added to several festivals including ‘Summer Breeze and Grind the Nazi Scum both in Germany! We will record in 2015 once again for FDA.

And what is the main theme on “The Witchhunt”? Any special message to fans etc?

The same thing as always, stand up and be counted, strike your idols down. Get organized take down the meglomaniacs that rule this planet. Live free or die!

You are one of those men who started death metal scene there in the USA. MASTER hasn’t became the band which earn billions of USD, but you have great cult status worldwide. Next question is pretty interesting I think – how were changed your opinions about Death metal scene during all these years? What are the most disappoints and vise versa?
I play Metal and hate the silly categories that have been used as labels for the various styles and sub-genres of music. If it was about money I would have left the scene years ago brother. I live for the music and the message.

Long haired man with beard crushing scene, how’s your relatives’ attitude towards your music and activity?
They respect what I have done for sure.

How many years were passed since you came into Europe (Czech)? Do you like live in EU or you missing for USA as well? All in all – these are pretty different places…
I have been in the Czech Republic for 14 years and would never return to the police state called the USA. There is more freedom in Europe period. Police control America and roam the streets, highways and byways! Freedom is no longer relevent in the USA! You must follow the rules or go to jail!

As I know, not so long time ago you had married. Does she into Metal music as well? Maybe she also makes some support of your activity?
My wife doesn’t listen to music at all but supports me in every endeavor. She is a true warrior.

What is your relation towards religion? Do you agree religion is for weak “slaves” only? If you think so, couldn’t you tell us more detailed, like when you have understood the truth about religion? And, weren’t there some troubles with this in your life?
Never I was forced to go to church when I was a child but as a teenager I stopped. Churches are for weaklings and these puppets exist across the globe. Slaves to society speaks for itself, listen the record and discover the truth! People die every day and no religion can stop this and save anyone from anything!

You stopped to be a part of KRABATHOR, what happened? You was about 6 years with them, aren’t you? But do you still in contact with the guys from KRABATHOR?
I was in Krabathor for 4 years until Christopher gave up music to become a janitor and an American. The band ahs reformed in the original lineup for 1 show at Brutal asault this year, I wish them the best of course. I see Christopher from time to time when he visits Czech.

Well, MASTER has always some interesting re-issues, merchandise and etc… Does this really helps you living without daily job for some jew=)?
I only sell merch and play in Master nothing else. This is my living! Living in Czech Republic and do not like beer is something like “life-perversion”=).

What is your favorite beer? How much does beer costs now there?
Pilsen is the best beer it still costs about 75 cents for a mug!

Actually MASTER has 3 “clinical death”, back in ‘80s… What the reason? Some really big troubles?
What clinical death, the band never stopped, only I had a few projects between, Funeral Bitch, Abomination etc.

And since 1990 MASTER alive in it’s best! How many years you’ll play death metal from your point of view? Do you think you’ll be play until your last breath?

I will play until I choose to stop.


Paul, since you are one of those who started Death metal scene, I would like to ask – what Death metal means for you? For example – why you didn’t start play some kind of Thrash metal or Grindcore and etc back then? 

I have always used my music as an outlet to release my anger upon the masses in a positive way instead of killing people!


Death… From non-musical definition. Did you ever thought about death? Do you afraid it or no? From your point of view, what happens with people after death?
This is not important for me I don’t care, everybody dies.


Ok, let’s return into the music. I have heard you started some new project! Cadaveric Poison! With the guy from Witchburner! Please tell me more about this project!
Silly questions brother what’s to tell. The guys sent music to me and I sang the vocals and wrote the lyrics. We will record a full album next year, nothing more nothing less.


We are far from political themes usually, but now situation is too odd here in my country, and since I know that you know what happens here at Ukraine, I’d like to ask – what do you think about all these events?
I think if you guys want to be free then so be it. I think Russia should go home and work on their own problems of course. Too many dictators rule the globe today. The former Soviet Union is gone for a reason so Putin should go take a shower and get his head out of his ass!


Many questions were written now, and I just remember what I wanted to ask as well=) – Do you remember Russian tour?? How could you describe it? As I know – fans were pretty excited by that event, and many of them visited almost each city with your gigs!

We had a blast in Russia for sure but with the uncertainty there we will never return! The people, the food the hospitality and the fans in general were very apppreciative of our visit.

Aleksandr Maksymov

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