New FROSTHELM Track “Forlorn Tides” Stream

New FROSTHELM Track “Forlorn Tides” Stream

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Thrashened Black Metal unit FROSTHELM have debuted new track “Forlorn Tides” from upcoming album The Endless Winter.

FROSTHELM will release The Endless Winter through Matt Hyde’s BLACK WORK (ALKEMY BROTHERS) label on March 22.

A vile brew of black/thrash metal, The Endless Winter is abundant with punishingly memorable riffs, melodic frostbitten savagery, and plague infused revulsion down to it’s frozen core. Guitarist Dakota L. Irwin describes the album as “bitter, dark, angry and disgusted.” Tracked at Clear Lake Recording Studios in Los Angeles during July 2014, The Endless Winter was produced and engineered by Eric Milos and Alec Schneider. Drum engineering was handled by Sir Robert Kramer at Mekoche Studios in Bismarck, ND. Mixing and mastering duties were helmed by Matt Hyde (Slayer, Skeletonwitch, Kreator). Artwork by Raymond Swanland.

Formed in 2009, FROSTHELM hail from the frozen plains of North Dakota, where the extreme weather and bleak environment has left a profound and distinct mark on their sound. With two critically acclaimed self-produced and released recordings under their belt, they have recently joined forces with esteemed metal mastermind Matt Hyde’s new label Black Work (Alkemy Brothers). They are set to unleash their darkest material to date via their debut full length, The Endless Winter.

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