Review: CONNOISSEUR “Over The Edge”

Review: CONNOISSEUR “Over The Edge”

- in Reviews


With their own branded genre of stoner violence, Connoisseur is on the verge of releasing their newest effort “Over the Edge”. If you couldn’t guess all of these songs are about smoking weed and then some, and it is the perfect release for that stoner that needs to let some aggression out as well as for the people that just need some good old fashioned violence in their lives. While the stoner aspect of this release is certainly prominent, the violence is as well as Connoisseur bulldozes you with fourteen brand new songs that are sure to kick your teeth in.

From beginning to end Connoisseur provides you with nothing but neck stomping heavy tunes for you to enjoy and light one up to. There isn’t a song on this release that sounds the same as the others which provides you with violence in many different forms. With a mixture of hardcore, punk and even some stoner metal Connoisseur provides you with a diverse and varied listen that gives you plenty of looks and plenty of material to listen to and numerous things to listen for. Through fourteen tracks you get excellently crafted metal that you can sink your teeth into.

Each song on this record is incredibly entertaining and infectious and sooner rather than later you just get the entire record stuck in your head. The majority of these songs are short and punchy and before you know it the record is over and you need to spark one up again and listen again. No matter whether you are stoned out of your mind while listening or as sober as they come, this release is a great one that you can headbang to and really get into with ease.

With song titles like: “I’d Rather Be Smoking Weed”, “Free the Weed”, and the saddest song title of all, “Boulevard of Broken Bongs”, how can you not want to listen? When I first began listening, what I heard was not at all what I had expected from Connoisseur. What I imagined to be the typical stoner record turned violent very quick into a head caving, stomping good time that definitely warrants more than just one listen. Connoisseur hit the nail on the head with this record by providing you heavy, stoner filled tunes that you can jam out to whenever you want to. “Over the Edge” is an interesting and intoxicating listen, so with that being said; pack a bowl and enjoy the violent weed filled ride.

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About the author

Just a heavy metal loving dude who has been into metal since I've been born! Love to listen to heavy metal, write about it, the heavier the better!

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