Review: Cynabare Urne “Obsidian Daggers and Cinnabar Skulls” [Helter Skelter / Regain]

Review: Cynabare Urne “Obsidian Daggers and Cinnabar Skulls” [Helter Skelter / Regain]

- in Reviews

With an exciting take on the blackened death metal genre, Finland’s Cynabare Urne hit the mark on their latest release. As raw and aggressive a release as there has been this year, Obsidian Daggers and Cinnabar Skulls is a monument to brutality and noise.

The bare bones production of the album steals the show here. Crisp and clean, the album comes off sounding bleak and cold. Guitar riffs are like sheets of ice, with perfect transparency despite their grit. Pounding beats lean towards the traditional, serving the songs dutifully without overstepping bounds. A light cymbal attack is a welcome note to subdue what can often be a harsh distraction within this production style.

Vocals on this album work perfectly for the sound that is being presented. Bleak and unforgiving, with lyrical content drifting through satanic and demonic imagery, the vocal attack is one as cold and dark as the music backing it up.

On the whole, Cynabare Urne offer up a dark and brutal piece of music. It conjures emotions from deep dark places in the soul, Obsidian Daggers and Cinnabar Skulls is truly a work of art.

Release date: October 30th, 2020

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