Review DAM “Premonitions” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

Review DAM “Premonitions” (by Bart Tomaszewski)

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DAM “Premonitions”

Belo Horizonte is huge city located in Brazilian state Minas Goias. So, what you connote this city with?!? No, I don’t mean Cruzeiro or Atletico Mineiro! YES! You who said SARCOFAGO as a first won!!! Well, here common things of these two groups (SARCOFAGO and D. A. M.)  are over. It’s even not about the fact that SARCOFAGO is dead since long time and D. A.M. is alive since not so long time. It’s first of all about music! Contrary to Metal Gods D.A.M. plays in very melodic and we can even say: not Brazilian way of plating. Of course it means that this way isn’t typical for what we have possibility to hear when we have to do with Brazilian band which describe their music as Death Metal.

Well, to be honest I’m sure that these two words are right for describing what D. A. M. created here. Anyway, “Premonitions” is fifth stuff released by them. Except this EP guys recorded two more EPs, two full-lengths and single. The most prolific was 2014 when they released three stuffs (“Phantasmagoria” – EP, “The Awakening” – single and full-length with the same title). Then came a year of break and here we have “Premonitions”. Well, they call it EP, but number of songs and first of all time which they take tell me that I should treat it as an album – it has almost 40 minutes… I listened to it very carefully at least 26 times and the only thing which can be connected with Death Metal is Guillerme’s growling – and even that isn’t as clear as sun. OK, maybe drums’ work sometimes. These parts are rather short and just season songs. Very often Guillerme sings with clean vocal, sometimes in way which almost automatically connotes with some German band with the same name as the largest American base in this country, growling is something what we could connect somehow with Gothenburg’s school of Death Metal – interested will know what it means… ehehehehehehe… In “Untouchable (My Past Mistakes)” we have some girl who sings in burdens. In general this song can be qualified as Doom Metal one with quite huge touch of Symphonic Metal.

Rest of music which we have here is rather calm, very melodic and with big participation of keyboards. Actually they’re almost everywhere here. Sometimes they play as classical piano.  Guitar plays also in very melodic way. Riffs are mostly roomy. It doesn’t mean that we have here some sweet candy or something! That’s truth, we have here very middle tempos, but somehow we can feel all the time this Metal spirit – even in parts which can’t, at least theoretically, be connoted with this music at all.

Well, I’m not fan of playing like that. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll don’t recommend this album! Just it must be fan of… Hm… I think that describing Symphonic Heavy Metal with strong elements of more extreme sub-genres would be quite good here!


(c) Bart Tomaszewski (SEPULCROS PROD)

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