Review: KROH “Altars”

Review: KROH “Altars”

- in Reviews

KROH “Altars”
Minotauro records

Here we have another side-project who became regular band to do with. It was born in mind of Paul Kenney in 2011 and almost immediately came out debut full-length ‘Kroh’. Then there were few splits with several bands – for example his primal one: FUKPIG. But let’s say it on the beginning: music of both bands where Paul plays guitar is totally different.

In case of KROH it has nothing to do with any extreme kind of Metal and even more with Grindcore. Guys use term Doom to describe their creativity. Well, I can hear some quite strong influences of this sub-genre of Metal (especially in guitar’s track) and in general I can agree with using this term here – but not as the only one and probably even not on the first place. This is not only because of Oliwia’s way of singing which reminds me, from time to time even very much, this one of Anja Orthodox of Polish CLOSTERKELLER. Timbre is not so very similar, but still. Anyways, I can feel that Oliwia sings diligently and put in it whole heart as we say in Poland. And of course does it variable. There’s some dark climate in that – this is normal melodic singing from one side. Guitarists (Kenney and Harrington – first name of both is Paul) play heavy riffs on high tuned guitars. You would not find here any solos and stuff like that what doesn’t mean that guys play monotonous or something! It happens a lot on this field and sometimes come even more melodic (but still in dark climate riffs).

Well, the same I can say about rhythmic section. Bass is always hidden more or less in background and you need to listen without comprehending anything to recognize it and appreciate Damen’s work. However, Rychard beats variously. The same like in case of guitars that’s maybe nothing super-hyper from technical point of view, but in such music there’s no place for some complicated passages and so on for fuck sake!

Music is of course in rather slow tempo. In the same time there’s power in that and, at least this is like that with me, you’ll don’t fall asleep while listening to Altars‘ (and I suppose to other stuffs). I notice huge influences of Heavy Metal, by the way. Hm… The best will be if you’ll check it out by yourselves and decide if CD is worth of your money. In my opinion, the answer is: if you’re fan of music strongly connected with Doom, Heavy and you like female vocal – yes, it is.

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Score 84%
84 %
User Rating : 5 (1 votes)

About the author

I'm just a Metalhead who's falling in love with Metal since at least 1987 and is active into the underground since 90's. Also I own (with myTHE BEST FRIEND EVER) a label - SEPULCROS PROD. Contact on FB - profile pic is the same as here.

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