Review: POMSTA “Wild Lands”

Review: POMSTA “Wild Lands”

- in Reviews

POMSTA “Wild Lands”
Nocturnus Records

Groove stays groove even in wild west. Ukrainian Pomsta‘s second LP, which was released in 2017 reveals the intricacies of the Ukrainian vision of the Wild West and the Groove Metal. And from the first seconds it’s clear that in Pomsta‘s opinion cowboys were armed with at least miniguns. Otherwise I can’t explain this speed, groove and aggression.

An album open with “Last Alarm”, which already provides an uncompromising metal. It’s hard to imagine something that will fit to this music perfectly and Sergiy Nechitaylo’s vocals. Brutal delivery with clean vocals are great for such music with this quantity of riffs. Then it comes 100% groovy “Hot Steel” with main “Wild Lands”, where the tempo goes faster, riffs and bass lines are heavier and here also the charisma of vocalist can be fully heard; all components that you need to make a successful groove song.

“Stupid Bitch” and “Rise”, which goes one after another are making a good pair: you can understand from a name what is the first song about and the second one is a lyrical ballad.

The last song that I want to highlight is “Friday Drunken Feast”, an anthem of a good Friday booze fight. The story is quite convincing and it seems that author knows very well what he sings about.

But it worse to mention that all the songs sound quite uniformly. Riffs and beat are going from one song to another and it makes an album quite boring to the end. Although ‘Wild Lands’ is a solid album, it’s quite hard to listen two it the second time. But all these lacks will be profits when he songs will be played live: they are groovy, catchy and aggressive. I would listen to many of them every day.

So I want to wish the band to diverse their music a little, but continue to make a qualitative and evil metal without losing the spirit of wild lands.

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About the author

I'm young ukrainian journalist possessed by metal! Poet, culturologist, reenactor and a metalhead with all my heart! Also I'm working in Daily Metal magazine.

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