Review: Sangue “Sangue”

Review: Sangue “Sangue”

- in Reviews

Sangue “Sangue”
Nuclear War Now! Productions

There is a fine line between trying to have a raw sound and producing something to make it sound as raw and unfiltered as you want it and just straight up having a raw uncompromising sound, and Sangue has the latter. Their new EP just has that unfiltered and damning sound all its own which makes the listen haunting, skin crawling and unique. Through two songs on this EP you get blasphemous death metal with black metal notes as well without being too overpowering. The sound is a combination of black and death metal but each genre is woven in to the overall sound so that instead of getting one genre at certain times and the other at different times, you get a cohesive and organic sound.

Both of the tracks on this EP are demonic, slithering and dark, and once you begin listening you get sucked in to the dark world that Sangue creates. Each of the songs on this release are malevolent and utterly soul shredding and when you get in to the listen you get trapped in a vortex of damnation. Sangue play a primal and savage style of metal that is straight to the point with no fucking around in between. What you get is what you see and hear and nothing more and nothing less. Each track is barbaric in its own unique way, but one fact remains the same throughout, and that is that it seems as though they are trying to send you straight to an early grave to be fetid worm food.

Other than the overall sound and the great raw production is the musicianship and how spot on it is. You get poisonous riffs with chaotic drumming and vocals that hang in the air like a haunting fog. Each element and each instrument on this record come together in sickening harmony to create a devastating and flesh peeling sound that you can’t get out of your head no matter how hard that you try.

This EP by Sangue is a great one that provides you with haunting tracks of pure and utter destruction.

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