Review: SINAYA “Maze of Madness”

Review: SINAYA “Maze of Madness”

- in Reviews

SINAYA Maze of Madness
Brutal Records

How can four girls sound so aggressive and heavy, living up to the legacy of old school Death Metal? This Brazilian all-female army can answer that question with their brand new (and amazing) opus.

If you’re a fan of what can be called a new wave of female-fronted or all-female Extreme Metal bands the likes of Torture Squad, Nervosa, Castrator and Valhalla, among many other insanely amazing bands, you must take a very good listen at Maze of Madness, the brand new album by Brazilian Death/Thrash Metal quartet Sinaya. Featuring a classic, old school artwork designed by Brazilian artist João Duarte from J.Duarte Design (who has already worked with bands like Angra, Circle II Circle and Aquiles Priester), Maze of Madness brings everything you crave in old school Death and Thrash Metal, sounding extremely heavy but at the same time very melodic and fresh, courtesy of four talented and hardworking girls who leave nothing to be desired in a genre mostly dominated by men.

Formed in 2010 in the city of São Paulo by Mylena Monaco, Sinaya have been making a name for themselves since their inception, having already released the EP Obscure Raids in 2013, before their 2018 full-length opus Maze of Madness, having shared the stage as a supporting act to several metal giants such as Exodus, Vader, Primal Fear and Torture Squad, among others, participated in a Brazilian festival named Rock na Praça in São Paulo, and played at the biggest festival in Peru, Lima Metal Fest, which was part of their first South American tour going through Argentina, Bolívia and Peru. And based on the music blasted on Maze of Madness by Mylena Monaco on vocals and guitar, Renata Petrelli on the guitar, Bruna Melo on bass and Cynthia Tsai on drums, metalheads from all over the world will be hearing a lot more from Sinaya in the coming years.

Devastating sounds permeate the air from the very first second in the opening track “Life Against Fate”, a classic Death Metal tune spiced up by Thrash Metal nuances where Bruna and Cynthia generate a Stygian ambience perfect for Mylena to blast her enraged growls; and speeding things up a bit the quartet fires a thrashier-than-hell song titled “Abyss to Death”, led by the somber and sharp guitars by Mylena and Renata, sounding very melodic but also keeping a beyond crude core essence. “Always Pain” feels darker, more rhythmic and more thunderous than its predecessors, showcasing a great job done by Cynthia on drums, while Mylena keeps growling and barking like a demonic entity; whereas in “Bath of Memories” we’re treated to some slashing riffs and rumbling bass lines tailored for banging your head nonstop together with the girls. Put differently, this is a Thrash Metal feast that reminds me of the least furious but still heavy and aggressive creations by the iconic Exodus, which of course translates into sheer awesomeness.

In “Crowd in Panic” we have more of their old school extreme music, with Mylena and Renata being in absolute sync with their stringed weapons while Cynthia maintains the music flowing smoothly with her groovy beats. And get ready to snap your neck in half to the boisterous main riff from “Infernal Sight”, where Mylena’s growls get deeper and more rabid, therefore keeping the album at a high level of quality and aggressiveness. “Deep in the Grave” displays hints of Doom and Stoner Metal added to their classic Death Metal, with a vile wall of sounds flawlessly crafted by Bruna and Cynthia that will crush you like an insect until the song’s smooth and dark ending, before “Buried by Terror” closes this excellent album presenting traditional Thrash Metal lyrics (“High of madness / Underworld sights / The shame of a past / Digging a deeply lair / By all upper disguise / In the name of glory / Terror spreads my soul / A spit of rage”) boosted by another solid job done by the band’s guitar duo, while the wicked drums by Cynthia keep the song at a sluggish and obscure pace.

You can get to know more about the girls on their official Facebook page, listen to more of their incendiary Death and Thrash Metal on their official YouTube channel, and of course purchase Maze of Madness from their own webstore. As aforementioned, the all-female metal army known as Sinaya leave nothing to be desired when compared to other Extreme Metal bands formed exclusively by men, living up to the legacy of old school Death Metal to the point they sound like true veterans in the scene when they’re in fact just starting to pave their path to stardom. With that said, let’s now wait and see what the future holds for Sinaya and, while we do that, let’s keep banging our heads and slamming into the pit to the top-of-the-line music found in Maze of Madness.

Best moments of the album: Life Against Fate, Abyss to Death and Bath of Memories.

Worst moments of the album: None.

Released in 2018 Brutal Records

Track listing

  1. Life Against Fate 5:10
  2. Abyss to Death 4:21
  3. Always Pain 4:31
  4. Bath of Memories 4:26
  5. Crowd in Panic 4:29
  6. Infernal Sight 4:30
  7. Deep in the Grave 4:54
  8. Buried by Terror 4:32

Band members
Mylena Monaco – vocals, guitar
Renata Petrelli – guitar
Bruna Melo – bass
Cynthia Tsai – drums

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Score 79%
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User Rating : 5 (1 votes)

About the author

Passionate about the music by Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Slayer, but always listening to new bands and styles from the smoothest Hard Rock to the meanest Black Metal. Host of The Headbanging Moose Show on Midnight Madness Metal e-Radio. Also crazy for live concerts, craft beer and the Brazilian soccer team Corinthians.

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