Review: Sovereign “Neurotic” [Redefining Darkness Records]

Review: Sovereign “Neurotic” [Redefining Darkness Records]

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80 %
User Rating : 3.8 (1 votes)

A brief but nonetheless fulfilling demo has landed courtesy of Norwegian newcomers Sovereign. Neurotic rolls out steak-sized chugs to suggest that a poor prize heffer has been sacrificed at the bloodied doors of an abattoir to help create it.

“Immersed in Ashes” gets this four-track EP moving in the right direction from the start. Brooding and assertive, Sovereign serve their dishes cold on a soulless primal platter. The tone is foreboding, the vocals unremittingly hoarse while the pounding percussive surround is all consuming until the whole thing descends into a tumultuous freefalling helter-skelter of a climax.

As with the no less pulverising “Neurotic Existence,” Sovereign forge formidable barriers of noise, each seemingly more impregnable than the last. Distanced from what we traditionally look for with the Norwegian black metal brigade, Sovereign sonically at least probably have more in common with the likes of Fister.

The discombobulating third track “Paroxysm of Madness” is another cranium crushing asphalt death attack. These songs will leave you nursing a bruise or two but sometimes it’s a case of no pain, no gain. And this release is worth taking a few hits for.

“Iron Cast Demo” completes the 20 minutes of extreme exploration, a sharpening twist peeling off the lid before the full menacing throb races through against a wall of wailing strings.

Sovereign have set their stall out with this limited edition cassette only release, courtesy of the excellent Redefining Darkness Records. It’s drilled deep to its nihilistic core with more ice than your average fjord, and the emerging Norwegian four-piece have pleasingly left themselves something to build on here


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