Review: Take Offense “Tensions On High”

Review: Take Offense “Tensions On High”

- in Reviews

Take Offense “Tensions On High” (Flatspot Records)

I do like a bit of Hardcore/Metal crossover, but it’s a genre I really don’t play enough these days, so I was more than happy to check out the new 5 track EP from Southern California’s Take Offense.

My first impression was that they sound like another Californian band, the legendary, Suicidal Tendencies, a band I’ve loved since I first heard “Possessed To Skate” in 1987… shit, time flies…

And I can’t really sum this up any better than a line from the biography: “forging a sound that’s as familiar as it is fresh”. Which is particurlay true of the opening number, “Trust”

The EP, as a whole, takes me back to Suicidal’s circa Join The Army, but it’s not a complete copy as the guitar sound is different, and the songs don’t rip anyone off, they just have the same vibe. Which is a pretty good thing when you get influenced by the best

So you won’t find anything ground-breaking here, but it’s a good solid release and it’s been good connecting with a genre I’ve neglected for far too long.

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About the author

Metal, gaming, sport and cats, that just about sums my life up. And growing a big beard....

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