Review: ULVEGR “Vargkult”

Review: ULVEGR “Vargkult”

- in Reviews

ULVEGR Vargkult
Ashen Dominion

In my first few minutes of this new album by Ulvegr, I thought urghh, turn it off. Around a minute into the second track it clicked with me and I thought WOW. Not every BM band is to my taste you see; especially the really raw stuff – and that was my initial thought. I was quite wrong.

The Ulvegr duo of Odalv (Drums) and Helg (Everything else) hail from the Ukraine and are both seasoned musicians with long histories in dark music. Coming together in 2011 Ulvegr release Vargkult as their fifth and perhaps their finest album… Released on January 30th 2018 – 28 minutes and 7 tracks of pounding, abrasive, BM work. There’s not a pretty moment (not even a dark one) and in fact every bar is bloody, bitter hate. Ulvegr seem to find their way with quick succession of grinding atonal riffs and the drum work by Odalv is great at working as the pulse of the music – pump that black blood!  Not just straight forward blasting here…

In places Vargkult reminds me of Panzer Division Marduk. This is in attitude and tone rather than all out style. The artwork is very in keeping of the music’s attitude being a black and white photo of a WW2 mass grave. Grim…

Standout Tracks: ‘’Cold Graves Breathing Beast’’ is really easy to describe – stripped down hatred, forced into music. ‘’Death Is Our Law’’ is another pulsing attack, so basic but utterly excellent. A real wolf snarl of music style. ‘’Cutting Off Your Throat’’ is yet another fine example of Ukrainian savagery and makes me think Helg and Odalv are darkness worshiping here.

To sum up, Vargkult is simple, brutal and simply brutal. After so long listening to Black Metal it’s great to know there are still bands out there who can really hammer a dark track.  I’m loving it.

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About the author

British Son, Father and long time appreciator of all things dark. All hail the Antichrist!

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