Review: Viven – Las Tripas y el Lodo

Review: Viven – Las Tripas y el Lodo

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Viven Las Tripas y el Lodo
Godbox Records

Melodic, heavy, and excelente. These are three ways to describe Barcelona’s Viven, an alternative rock band who dropped their sophomore album, Las Tripas y el Lodo. The band’s new album comes four years after their debut effort, El Solitario, which put the band on the map for their unique sound.

Since that first album, Viven, has built their exposure by playing numerous festivals and opening for acts such as Graveyard and Triggerfinger. They developed their sound even further and were able to lay down a fantastic record in 2018. The album’s lyrics focus on the thoughts of the character described in El Solitario. The songs almost work as a prequel to the band’s debut record.

The album begins with a slow guitar intro that creates ambience and mystery. The two-minute intro that is “Lalanne” works as a way to set you up for an intense album. Once “Cuentos de Izar las Velas“ kicks on you meet the heavy side of Viven. All of the band’s best elements meet up on this track. The following song, “Debes Mandar,” is another hard song with some great emotion. “Quien Siembra Vientos” once again shows the slow melodic side Viven has with an almost entire acoustic track. The song is able to display both elements of slow and fast. “Oda al Sol Rojo” gives us a neat bass line and some awesome riffs. It is my favorite song on the album. “Ecos de Risas” ends the album in spectacular form. The record ends in terrific manner with not a moment wasted.

Las Tripas y el Lodo is a great album from an awesome band. The progressive elements introduced here are exquisite. The first musician that should be acknowledged is Eloi Martniez, the band’s drummer who delivers some great beats. Carlos Arranda also does a great job as the band’s bassist. The vocals from Ruben Martinez are delivered with great emotion. In entirety, this band has laid down a classic piece of work that can hopefully be appreciated for years to come.

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