Review: WITCHES “The Fates” [Mighty Spells Records]

Review: WITCHES “The Fates” [Mighty Spells Records]

- in Reviews

Witches continue on in their tradition of pure death metal madness with new album, The Fates. A roaring assault of beats and riffs that will spin heads with their ferocity.

Witches keeps things firmly in the vein if their past releases here, maintaining a strong stance in the death metal genre without mixing things up to much. There are moments of interest in their slowed down numbers, such as Black from Sorrow, which does a fine job if taking the Slayer approach to slowed down metal that loses nothing in terms of fury.

For the most part, you know what to expect here. There’s plenty of blast beats, tremolo picking dominates the riffing, vocals are more or less what you may expect from a thrash inspired death metal group. The dynamics in speed prevail as main sources of variation throughout the album. There is no real new ground being broken here.

With all that said, the album does in fact sound amazing, with the production work standing out as a highlight of the entire album. The music is created with a strong sense of purpose that comes through strongly in the mix. It may be the best sounding death metal album I have heard in a very long time, but when it comes down to it, it is just a very standard death metal album and doesn’t do a whole lot for me.

For fans of straight up thrash infused death metal, this one surely deserves a listen. If you’re looking for a bit more out of your music listening experience then it may be best to search elsewhere.

Release date: June 5th, 2020

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