Skeletoon will start recording the new album on June 4 at the Domination studio by Simone Mularoni

Skeletoon will start recording the new album on June 4 at the Domination studio by Simone Mularoni

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Skeletoon have successfully completed the musicraiser campaign!!

The band will start recording the new album on June 4 at the Domination studio by Simone Mularoni.

The upcoming They Never Say Die will be a Power Metal tribute to The Goonies and will see the participation of many guests:
Alessandro Conti (LT’s Rhapsody/ Trick or Treat) Chunk
Giacomo Voli (Rhapsody of Fire) Guest on Ghost Track
Morby (Domine/Sabotage) Chester Copperpot
Michele Luppi (Whitesnake/Secret Sphere) Jake Fratelli
David Arredondo Gomez (Taken) Sloth
Ivan Castelli (LionSoul) Capt. Jack Sparrow
Melissa Bonny (Evenmore/Rage of Light) Guest
Mark Basile (DGM) One-eyed Willy
Guido Benedetti (Trick or Treat) guitars arrangement
Alessio Lucatti (Vision Divine/ Deathless Legacy) Keyboard arrangement
with kind partecipation of:
The Roommates, Chiara Manese & Ste Vallino

The band will be on stage:
04.08 @ Metal For Emergency 2018 (Filago – Bergamo )
30.06 @  PocoRock ( Sanremo )

Joining on “The Goonies” Metal Army

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