Why ROB ZOMBIE Decided To Keep His New Album Short

Why ROB ZOMBIE Decided To Keep His New Album Short

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Rob Zombie’s new album, “The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser”, is out today (Friday, April 29), via UMe/T-Boy Records. In a video clip from Rolling Stone (see below), Rob explains how he arrived at the album title and how the record got made.

On the making of “The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser”:

Rob: “The new album I made actually before the last movie. I moved the studio into my house. We have a farm out in Connecticut and just sort of sequestered ourselves there and cranked through this record. It actually took a whole year to make the record, because we’d work for a couple of weeks and then we’d go out on tour and then we’d take a break. ‘Cause recording can be kind of a drag. If you go in there and you’re, like, ‘Okay, for the next six weeks, we’ll just hammer out every song,’ by the time you get to, like, track eleven, twelve, thirteen, you know they’re not the best songs on the record; they’re just not. But if you keep taking breaks and coming back, it’s always new and exciting again. So it kept it, like, ‘Oh, now these two are my favorites. No, no. These two are my favorites.'”

On the new album title:

Rob: “I didn’t title the record ’till it was done, and then I called it ‘The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser’, ’cause, to me, that’s what the record sounded like.”

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