Gig report: Daily Metal Female Fronted Fest 2018

Gig report: Daily Metal Female Fronted Fest 2018

- in Reviews

First of all I want to apologize, but I skipped the first band because I was talking to Polynove Pole drummer. But I know about the band NOVI. It’s quite popular in Ukraine rock with overdrive guitars, lyrical and qualitative with lyrics in Ukrainian. They have the most famous Power Metal band Sunrise musicians in their line-up: vocalist as a drummer (!) and singing keyboardist as front woman.

Second was Miss Key. The girl performed piano covers for various rock and metal bands, from Radiohead to Amon Amarth. After a couple of songs she was joined by vocalist (which went from the festival’s concept, but the performance was good) and singed a couple of classic hits. It needs to say that Katerina aka Miss Key played in some famous Ukrainian metal bands and after moving to Germany she started her own project that worse attention. Katerina already performed with some German Schwarz Scene stars. She also got a proposition from Satyricon to join their concert line-up: the band watched Miss Key‘s Satyricon cover that she put on her youtube channel. Though she refused to join.

The next band was from Belarus – Mission Jupiter. Very professional band with professional playing, arrangements and delivery. Stylistically it’s a Prog Rock with some Jazz, Metal, Ska and even dubstep elements. I remembered one more band from Belarus – Serdce, which play the same high-professional and complex music, but based on Death Metal.

Vocalist was charismatic (and very beautiful), musicians also performed great, even saxophonist! Prog Rock isn’t my cup of tea, but in the end songs were heavier. So it was a real good show!

Next guests, the band White Highway were from Poland, and did a real oldschool! It was Hard’n’heavy straight from the 80s. It’s also worse to talk separately about vocalist: she’s looking like young Doro Pesch! And it’s not only about clothes and makeup, but an action also! It’s like scream “I’m like Doro, none the worse!” And really none the worse! Vocals and delivery fired up the crowd.  So, thank you, Polish “firestarter”! Oh, by the way: the guys from the band, you need long hair, because playing such music with short haircut it’s not oldschool. But I’m just carping, guys, you’re great!

In the middle of the evening the band called Aghiazma got on stage. And they really fired up the show! Never saw them live before, but their performance was great! I want to highlight the vocalist, as she use both clean vocals and screaming and the band’s leader Irog Cherepanov (who also organize some concerts in Kyiv). He looked like Robert Smith from The Cure, jumped on stage and also recited some poem (quite obscene). Later a dancer girl joined the band on stage while Igor played on theremin. That was quite exciting, as I never saw the theremin before, more especially from metal bands. The crowd moshed and did circle-pits, so the show was really cool.

Then Azathoth Circle came onto the scene. I heard a lot about this band before: the band’s name is cool, and I’am very interested in the “myths of Cthulhu,” but I have not heard their music before. Well, that’s probably for the best. Azathoth Circle reminded me some cheap copy of Jinjer, albeit with a big bias to prog instead of “beat”, however… Musicians have nice musical skills, also female vocals (clear and growls) sounds cool and “fashionable” but I didn’t get their music at all. For me personally it sounds boring. I also would like to advice Alexandra Babiy (vocals) to work on stage’s behavior: too much irrelevant speech both in songs and while the pauses between the songs. For what? To cut a long story short – Cthulhu did not woke up.

And finally the band that I was waiting for: Polynove Pole. I listen to their music from their first demo (something like ten years). I like their lyrics in Ukrainian very much, it’s wrote good and greatly fetch out their Doom melancholy. Vocally the band is “Beauty And The Beast”, and it’s fit them great. Surprisingly fresh music (for Doom Metal, of course), melodic and catchy. One of the songs reminded me Tristania from their best period with live delivery and Black Metal patterns.

But when the band say that they are playing their last song and starts to play, a curtain suddenly close right before the crowd and a band, that totally don’t understand what happened. The band continue to play as musicians think that it’s some technical lack, but no! Then electricity just turned off and nobody doesn’t understand nothing!

Well, the thing that happened is that after the festival there was some night karaoke or something else, so the night club owners told that the bands must leave the stage. Organizers tried to solve this problem with the owners but they refused, so that’s what happened. Yes, that’s very bad, especially for the band, but it’s going to be a lesson for organizers. And Polynove Pole, don’t worry, your best shows are yet to come, and you’ll kick some asses on the stage, I’m sure!

Many thanks to Oleksandr Maksymov, Sandra and Dmitriy for accreditation.

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