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impl [800] Implore “Depopulation”
Pelagic Records

Gabbo Dubko is really pissed about this world and together with Michael Pfeffer and Daniel Schrotti, they spitted this furious album called “Depopulation” upon this burning world. Implore is active for about 2 years, and in their short existence they already released a 7” EP and toured the world. I was immediately a fan since I heard their devastating EP, “Black Knell” and I could not wait for their debut album. “Depopulation” is a raw grind/death/crust album filled with rage and anger that just puts a smile on my face. The album consists of 14 songs that will completely eradicate you in less than 30 minues!!! The first song “Epicyte/ Paracite” begins slowly with a heavy tune and serves like warning for the rest of the album…that things will get really ugly. Songs like “Sentenced”, “Thousand Generations”, and “Homo-Consumens” are insane grind/death/crust songs. “Hegelian Dialectic”, “Cadavers on Parade” and “Intrincated Scapegoat” hits so hard, that you can feel it your stomach!!! Man these guys mix grind/death/crust sooo good in the songs. “Depopulation” is a must if you are into those genres. This album keeps on grinding and rewinding in my head to WHOLE FREAKING DAY!!!!!


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