Review: Grand Delusion “Supreme Machine”

Review: Grand Delusion “Supreme Machine”

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Grand Delusion “Supreme Machine”
Minotauro records

And here’s another band from far north of Sweden. Umeå is the biggest city in this part of my new country. So there’s anything strange in fact that G. D. comes just from there. The band was born in 2011 and released some stuffs digitally. But as I know there’s possibility of buying their first album ‘The Last Rey of the Dying Sun’ on CD. How’s with ‘Mastering Extinction’ I don’t know, but you can always write them and ask about it.

These six songs which take 38.50 are specific travel in time. Well, as I know it was the main goal of Magnus (drums) and Mikael (bass, key, back vocals) when they decided to create music together – to play 70’s inspired Hard Rock. I didn’t hear their debut, so I can’t compare it with new one, but here we have to do with rather strong influence of NWOBHM, especially some band from Birmingham which’s generally considered both as first Heavy and Doom Metal band. Per and Björn serve heavy, but also roomy and various riffs. There’s of course melody in that, some technical displays and stuff like that – of course everything in right proportions. Drumming is variable as well, too. Magnus bets mostly in middle tempo, but he speed-ups from time to time, make some passages. Bass is pulsing nicely and Björn sings vert energetically. You’ll find similarities to some very well-known vocalist here for sure.

Well, we have to do here with solid full-length definitely. I’m not talking that this is something immortal and full of innovative thoughts. I think that’s even opposite – Swedes present classic as hell, but as I said before, solid playing. That’s why everyone who likes Hard Rock with elements of NWOBHM and also some other genres (but these touches are more subtle) should grab and relish this album.

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I'm just a Metalhead who's falling in love with Metal since at least 1987 and is active into the underground since 90's. Also I own (with myTHE BEST FRIEND EVER) a label - SEPULCROS PROD. Contact on FB - profile pic is the same as here.

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