Review: Hereza “Death Metal Drunks” [Godz Ov War]

Review: Hereza “Death Metal Drunks” [Godz Ov War]

- in Reviews

We have already met Croatian/German formation Hereza two years ago, reviewing their second album I Become Death. Since then, it seems, a lot of things changed: now it’s a full-fledged band and their third album Death Metal Drunks will be released soon.

The basic core of the band hadn’t changed: it is a vocalist Ivan Kovačević and multi-instrumentalist Slobodan Stupar. The line-up is completed by guitarist Christian Eiberger and drummer Thomas Polder. The music also had changed: if the previous album was a good mix of Death Metal and Punk, then Death Metal Drunks is not just Death Metal but also some Chrome Division-esque Heavy Metal Rock’n’roll. And you know what? I totally accept this because it turns out that Hereza is good not only with brutality of Death Metal, but also with catchy riffs and melodic solos.

So, Death Metal Drunks. The first thing to be mentioned is the darkness of this record, that goes from one extremity to another. It is or gloomy, evil brutality, or the very dark humor.

Brutality expressed here through Death Metal, of course, with its tipping guitar riffs, fast drum lines and extreme vocals, of course. Also, the songs’ names are speaking for themselves: “Back From The Grave”, “Genocide”, “Monstrum” – it’s totally clear what to expect. There are couple of songs in Croatian, the band’s native language, like “Kopam oči, režem jezik, prste, nos i uši” or “Do Kosti Bez Milosti”. But don’t be embarrassed by lack of knowledge of Chroatian: growling that comes out from Ivan’s metal coated and alcohol-soaked throat will not give you a chance to understand what he sings about until you open the lyrics.

Humor is also good here. E.g. “Necrobitch, Cowgirl From The Morgue” starts as trivial Country ballad and then goes to Heavy Metal Rock’n’roll. Plus, it seems that somebody was hugely inspired by (spoiler alert!) Guns’n’Roses‘ “Rocket Queen” – just listen to it and you’ll know what I mean; in the end this song goes from Heavy to Death Metal, which is fully unexpected. Or totally misogynistic, almost “reason-for-execution” in our complicated time “Stupid Spoiled Whore”. Also, I can’t just pass by the title “Death Metal Drunks”: if its chorus will not cause you to drink, at least it’ll make you to think about it. And its main riff with solo will stuck in your head for a long time

To the end I want to say that the album is quite short: 11 tracks last for half of an hour approximately. But it’s enough to evaluate this work and not get tired from it. And if you liked it, you always have “repeat” button.

Anyway, take your favorite booze, your metalhead friends and turn on Death Metal Drunks. I’m sure, no one will go home disappointed.

Warning! This album strictly prohibited to the people without any sense of humor or highly moral snobbish aesthetes. To any other it’s strongly recommended to listen to it.

Death Metal Drunks will be released on June, 6 via Godz Ov War.

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